Medioambiente y sustentabilidad

Discover how creators are tackling climate change around the world and defining a new, more sustainable future using RT3D.

Baba Yaga
Baobab Studios

Baba Yaga invita a los espectadores a ser un personaje principal en un inquietante mundo de cuento de hadas completamente reinventado. Sus elecciones determinan el final de esta historia de amor, fortaleza y magia. 

Studio Birthplace y Little Chicken Game Company

Discover what it takes to restore natural ecosystems and how humans can coexist with nature in a sustainable way while helping an orangutan and his friends restore the rainforest.

Critical Distance

An augmented reality experience, Critical Distance dives into the world of Southern Resident Orcas, spotlighting their struggle against a dwindling food supply and noise pollution.

Drop in the Ocean
Vision3 y Conservation International

Drop in the Ocean is an interactive, social virtual reality experience that immerses you deep in the water – and directly into the plastic pollution crisis plaguing the oceans.

Por Pernickety Split

Gondwana es una experiencia de VR de 24 horas, la primera del mundo, que muestra el impacto proyectado de la crisis climática en Daintree, la selva tropical más antigua del mundo.

Greenland Melting
Por Emblematic Group, PBS Frontline, PBS Nova

Greenland’s glaciers are melting faster and faster. This multi-format VR experience helps to explain what is happening and the ramifications for the rest of the world.

How is the Water
Cyan Planet

How is the Water was born from the idea that VR can bring the ocean to everyone in a powerful way to build emotional connections and spark action for marine conservation.

My Africa: El cuidador de elefantes
Conservation International/Vision3

My Africa is a 360° film offering a unique, tactile, and interactive location-based VR experience as you care for Dudu, the newest arrival at the Elephant Sanctuary.

Interactive Media Foundation & Filmtank with Miiqo Studios & Artificial Rome

MYRIAD is a VR experience combining cutting-edge scientific data with immersive storytelling. The project aims to spark active engagement with local efforts to conserve the earth's biodiversity.

Jessy Escobedo

PLANNAR is an AR citizen engagement tool that empowers residents and urban planners to co-create the future of their neighborhoods using an efficient and inclusive process.

Reset Earth
Rooftop, UN Ozone Secretariat

Reset Earth is an immersive animated web series and mobile game designed to bring hope to Gen Z by showing them what can be achieved when the world comes together.

System Island
Grumpy Raven

System Island is a third person activism simulator in which the twin forces of climate change and systemic racism threaten to eradicate a seemingly peaceful island.

Valen’s Reef Dive Team
Vision3, Conservation International

Valen’s Reef Dive Team is an impact-driven interactive VR experience focused on educating a broad audience on the importance of ocean and coral conservation to inspire action.

Internet of Elephants

Wildeverse is a game based in Kenya that combines the latest AR technology with compelling gameplay to connect people to wildlife.


Zutari, a South African engineering consultancy, uses Unity to automate large solar photovoltaics projects to increase efficiency and enable communities across Africa to thrive.

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