

Discover how creators are tackling climate change around the world and defining a new, more sustainable future using RT3D.

《Baba Yaga》
Baobab Studios

《Baba Yaga》邀请观众在一个完全重新构建的、令人难忘的童话世界中成为主角。他们的选择会决定这个关于爱情、毅力和魔幻的故事的结局。 

Studio Birthplace & Little Chicken Game Company

Discover what it takes to restore natural ecosystems and how humans can coexist with nature in a sustainable way while helping an orangutan and his friends restore the rainforest.

《Critical Distance》

An augmented reality experience, Critical Distance dives into the world of Southern Resident Orcas, spotlighting their struggle against a dwindling food supply and noise pollution.

《Drop in the Ocean》
Vision3 和 Conservation International

Drop in the Ocean is an interactive, social virtual reality experience that immerses you deep in the water – and directly into the plastic pollution crisis plaguing the oceans.

由 Pernickety Split 制作

《Gondwana》是世界上第一个 24 小时的 VR 体验,它描绘了气候危机对世界上最古老的热带雨林 Daintree 带来的可预见的影响。

《Greenland Melting》
由 Emblematic Group、PBS Frontline、PBS Nova 制作

Greenland’s glaciers are melting faster and faster. This multi-format VR experience helps to explain what is happening and the ramifications for the rest of the world.

How is the Water
Cyan Planet

《How is the Water》的灵感来源是:VR 可以以一种强大的方式让每个人认识海洋、建立情感联系并激发保护海洋的行动。

《My Africa》:大象守护者
Conservation International/Vision3

My Africa is a 360° film offering a unique, tactile, and interactive location-based VR experience as you care for Dudu, the newest arrival at the Elephant Sanctuary.

Interactive Media Foundation & Filmtank with Miiqo Studios & Artificial Rome

MYRIAD is a VR experience combining cutting-edge scientific data with immersive storytelling. The project aims to spark active engagement with local efforts to conserve the earth's biodiversity.

Jessy Escobedo

PLANNAR 是一种 AR 公民参与工具,它使居民和城市规划者能够通过高效和包容的流程共同创造社区的未来。

Reset Earth

《Reset Earth》是一个沉浸式网络动画剧集和移动游戏,旨在向 Z 世代展示当世界团结起来时可以实现的目标,给他们带来希望。

System Island
Grumpy Raven

《System Island》是一款第三人称激进主义模拟游戏,故事发生在一座岛屿上,这里看似一片详和,其实在气候变化和系统性种族主义的双重威胁下已危在旦夕。

Valen’s Reef Dive Team
Vision3 和 Conservation International

Valen’s Reef Dive Team 是一种富有影响力的交互式 VR 体验,旨在帮助广大观众了解保护海洋和珊瑚的重要性,激发人们采取积极的行动。

Internet of Elephants

《Wildeverse》是一款以肯尼亚为背景的游戏,它通过最新的 AR 技术和引人入胜的游戏玩法,将人们与野生动物联系起来。


Zutari 是南非的一家工程咨询公司,该公司利用 Unity 实现了大型太阳能光伏项目的自动化,以提高效率,使非洲各地的社区能够繁荣发展。

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