Paradox Interactive and Romero Games are using Unity to build an empire

How Unity Publisher Support enabled Paradox Interactive to allocate resources and help a small studio get huge results in Empire of Sin

Empire of Sin: A Unity Success Plans Case Study

John and Brenda Romero are gaming industry icons, so any project Romero Games creates invites hype. Its first release will be Empire of Sin, a richly layered strategic role-playing game that unfolds in Prohibition-era Chicago, where players must build and defend a criminal empire. Early in the project’s conception, the studio knew they wanted to publish with Paradox Interactive, which has a proven track record of releasing top-tier tactical and historical simulation games. What’s more, the publisher’s commitment to arming its partners with every available resource and advantage has been central to helping the team to achieve their ambitions for Empire of Sin, which is slated for release in late 2020.

  • The challenge

    Providing a studio and development partner with the technical advice and expertise they need to make an excellent game

  • Platforms

    Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

  • Team members

    22 daily in-house Unity users, including 9 programmers, 7 artists and 4 designers

  • Location

    Galway, Ireland

Giving game studios tools to succeed

Paradox Interactive offers the developers it works with an incredible amount of assistance – including comprehensive Unity support to make sure the underlying tech is strong. They provided Romero Games with access to Integrated Success Services (ISS), one of Unity’s Advanced Success plans through their Unity Publisher Support subscription. This system enables publishers who work with multiple developers to allocate Unity services among their partners in a way that best matches their specific needs, goals, and timelines. By devoting services to partners as needed, publishers ensure that each of the studios they work with has the right level of support at each point of the development process, or they can divert assistance to other studios as projects and priorities change. From early on in the game’s development, the Unity team has worked closely with Romero Games to help Empire of Sin look and play its best.  


  • Paired Romero Games with a dedicated manager, creating a direct link to Unity 
  • Conducted a Project Review to identify potential pain points and opportunities for optimization during the game’s early stages, followed by ongoing support and regular health checks 
  • Worked closely with the Addressables team to implement new tech to serve the studio’s needs
  • Accessed expedited ticketing service to raise complex technical problems and quickly find solutions collaboratively
  • Guided the studio in best practices informed by deep knowledge of Unity’s source code

Creating Jazz Age intrigue with deep storytelling

Empire of Sin invites players to build an underworld empire in 1920s Chicago, acting as one of 14 real or imagined Prohibition-era bootleggers, smugglers, gang bosses, and flappers. These kingpins have 13 in-game years to assemble a crew, develop rackets, and defend their territory of speakeasies, breweries, casinos, and brothels against rival mob bosses. 

Romero Games has been shaped by its founders’ legendary pedigrees. John Romero is celebrated as the game designer behind Quake and Doom, inventor of the deathmatch, and a key force in the creation of the first-person shooter genre. Brenda Romero is a long-time game designer, as well as a BAFTA Award-winner and Fulbright Scholar who worked on the seminal Wizardry and Jagged Alliance series of games. 

Empire of Sin was inspired by Brenda Romero’s “lifelong fascination with Prohibition and criminal empires,” an era that she calls “a rich space for storytelling.” The game’s complex and nuanced story world calls on Brenda’s expertise in building systems with alliances and interactions between characters, tactics that she honed developing games like Wizardry. 

Gameplay includes exploration, real-time empire building, and boss-on-boss sit-downs as well as turn-based combat. Players must manage their crew and key resources, moonshine and money. Empire of Sin is populated by gangsters, each with their own personality traits and links to other figures – as allies, enemies or lovers – and these qualities evolve based on how the game is played. Gangsters’ backstories and attributes can help or hinder players in their goals – in a battle against a rival gang, a trusted lieutenant might defect or refuse to target a secret lover from the other side, while a grizzled veteran could go above and beyond the call of duty for a beloved boss. Each playthrough feels utterly unique.

Why Romero Games uses Unity

Romero Games は 2017 年の初めに、Unity Pro を使用してプロジェクトの開発に着手しました。経験豊富なチームにはさまざまなバックグラウンドを持った開発者が集まっていましたが、『Empire of Sin』を、柔軟で拡張性に富んだフレームワークやカスタムツールを簡単に統合できる機能が備わっており、労せず迅速なイテレーションを可能にする、Unity を使用して制作することにしました。

「あらゆるサイズのコードを、コンパイルやリンクにかかる時間を気にすることなく変更できるため、イテレーションにかかる時間が短時間で済みます。これは、プログラマーにとって最も重要な Unity の特徴の 1 つです」と、同ゲームのテクニカルディレクター Keith O’Conor 氏は説明しています。「エディターのスクリプティング機能も、大きな利点の 1 つです。ワールド構築用の数多くカスタムツールを作成し、私たちのゲームに合ったワークフローを簡単に開発できました。」

また、チームはゲームプレイのコードに Lua を使用して、ゲームの MOD を制作できるようにしました。「Unity の拡張性とその幅広いサードパーティエコシステムにより、当スタジオの Lua 統合を迅速かつ簡単に稼働させることができました」と、O’Conor 氏は述べています。

Romero Games には強力で経験豊富なチームが揃っていましたが、Paradox Interactive の Unity のパブリッシャーサポートのサブスクリプションにアクセスできることを知って喜んでいました。これにより、Unity のスタッフと定期的に連絡を取り、同スタジオがベストプラクティスに従い、ゲームのパフォーマンスを一から最適化するのを支援してもらえます。


A flexible support solution for publishers

“Games publishing is complex,” explains Gustav Groth, Paradox Interactive’s product manager for Empire of Sin. “If I were to summarize what we do, this is how I would do it: We enable developers to execute their vision. Developing a game is difficult enough, and we remove external barriers from developers so they can focus on making the games they’re passionate about. We achieve that by providing a plethora of services such as market knowledge, financing, partner contacts, and player insights.” 

Paradox Interactive supports and enables developers by ensuring that they have the tools they need to make each game the best it can be. Among them is access, through their Publisher Support subscription, to Unity’s ISS package, a comprehensive enterprise support solution that gives developers enhanced access to Unity resources and personnel. 

“It’s not about the challenges but the opportunities it gives the developers,” says Ali Hassoon, the producer for Empire of Sin. “ISS gives the development team the best possible support so they can achieve their vision for the game, and at Paradox we want to do whatever we can to support the development team [to] reach their goals.”

An extension of the team

Romero Games が開発を円滑に進められるように Paradox Interactive が提供する高品質なサポートから得られる最大の利点の 1 つが、デベロッパーリレーションマネージャー(DRM)です。DRM とは、個々のスタジオに合わせたサポートを提供するために、そのスタジオのゲームプロジェクト、開発環境、ビジネスの目標について理解を深め、Unity の各開発チームとつながっている Romero チームの延長線上に存在する、Unity の従業員です。DRM は、ベストプラクティスに関するガイダンスを提供しながら、Unity にスタジオのニーズを伝える内部調整者としての役割を担うことで、あらゆる問題の解決までの時間を短縮し、開発者の生産性維持に必要となるものがすべて確保されるよう支援します。

「DRM が内部調整者の役割を果たしてくれることは、大きなメリットです」と、O’Conor 氏は述べています。「DRM は私たちのゲームを内部から支援し、必要に応じて ISS のリソースを確保してくれます。また、直接やり取りできる担当者がいることで、相互に有益な関係を構築することができます。」

ISS は、バグの優先順位のトリアージと再現のために、ログに記録されたすべてのバグが専任 QA チームに確実に伝わるようにする役割を担います。重大な問題が発生した場合、DRM はその問題を迅速に解決するためのストライクチームの編成の先頭に立つことで、解決までの時間を短縮します。また、DRM は正常性チェックを定期的に行い、四半期ごとのサービスレビューを監督してサービスを最適化する領域を特定し、Unity のエンジニアは年に 1 回の綿密なプロジェクトレビューにより技術面から徹底的に監査することで、実際の問題として表面化するに潜在的な問題や弱点を特定します。

Identifying issues and opportunities

プロジェクトレビューとは、プロジェクトの技術的な部分を深く掘り下げることで、パフォーマンス改善のために最適化する余地のある要素を見つけ出すことです。Unity のエキスパートエンジニアが 2 日間にわたってスタジオを訪問し、ゲームのテクノロジー、チーム、開発環境を細部に至るまで確認します。その後、プロジェクトに潜んでいる可能性のあるリスクに関する詳細なレポートを提供し、パフォーマンスを最適化してさまざまなデバイスでターゲットとするフレームレートを実現する方法について具体的に提案します。

Empire of Sin』に関して、Unity のエンジニアはプロジェクトの比較的早期の段階(同タイトルの当初のリリース予定日の 1 年以上前)にプロジェクトレビューを行いました。このステップが「早期の段階に下した意思決定のいくつかを検証し、将来の開発の計画を立てるのに役立った」と、O’Conor 氏は説明しています。

プロジェクトの早期の段階に徹底的に分析を行うことで、後で貴重な時間やリソースを無駄にすることがないように、チームはゲームの基盤を強固にしました。Unity のサポートチームは、ゲームの物理演算、スクリプティング、アニメーションナビメッシュの CPU のパフォーマンスを強化する余地のある部分を指摘し、その後それぞれを改善する具体的な解決策を提供しました。また、デベロッパーリレーションマネージャー(DRE)はローディング時間を短縮するために XmlLayout プロセッシングを微調整することも推奨し、解析やコンパイルにかかる時間を減らし、より効率的にロードされるように、Lua スクリプトを単一のファイルと組み合わせ、それらをバイトコードにプリコンパイルすることを提案しました。最後に、Unity のチームは、スタジオがアセットのパフォーマンスを改善するのを支援する、複数のソリューションを提案しました。その中には、アセットの非同期的なロードを担う新しいツール Unity Addressable Asset System や、冗長なアセットを取り除き、テクスチャアトラスを最適化するソリューションが含まれていました。

「アーキテクチャに関わる意思決定のいくつかを下すうえで私たちが取ることができる最適なアプローチについて、経験豊富な Unity のエンジニアとやり取りできたことは本当に有益でした」と、O’Conor 氏は述べています。「パフォーマンスを改良する余地がある部分も特定してくれたほか、Unity の各種機能について貴重な話し合いを持つことができました。」

Straight from the source

“It’s invaluable to be able to ask anything – whether it’s about a bug, needing more detail on a particular feature, or wondering about the best way to implement something – and have an experienced engineer with knowledge of the code base be able to answer,” O’Conor explains. “And if they can’t answer, then they know who to ask. This is all without taking time away from our programming team, so they can concentrate on making the game.” 

The studio’s close relationship with Unity, through Technical Support and their DRM, also gave them a link to engineers with in-depth knowledge of Unity’s source code. This insider access gave the team insight into how and why Unity works, paired with specific recommendations to ensure that Romero Games was getting the most out of Unity’s features, while allowing their team to stay focused on their own development goals. 

“We also wanted guidance on the most optimal way to do things in certain cases, and get support on some of the newer features that we identified as being critical to being able to ship at the desired quality level,” says Keith. “Paradox having publisher support made it possible in the first place.”

Polishing toward perfection

There’s been a steady hum of excitement around Empire of Sin since the first teaser demos were shared with the press, almost a year before its release date. The gorgeous graphics, seamless transitions between map overview and animated scenes, and complex gameplay have created a lot of buzz – and we’d be lying if we said we’re not excited to see the final result, too.

As the expert team at Romero Games puts the final touches on the game, they can feel confident that their hard work is well-grounded. As Keith O’Conor puts it, ISS has “greatly reduced risk when it comes to the engine our game is built on. That means knowing that we have knowledgeable and dedicated support that can do whatever it takes to help us ship the game.”

Keith O’Conor, Technical Director, Romero Games

“It’s invaluable to be able to ask anything – whether it’s about a bug, needing more detail on a particular feature, or wondering about the best way to implement something – and have an experienced Unity engineer with knowledge of the code base be able to answer. And if they can’t answer, then they know who to ask. This is all without taking time away from our programming team, so they can concentrate on making the game.”


Keith O’Conor, Technical Director, Romero Games
Ali Hassoon, Producer, Paradox Interactive

“It’s not about the challenges but the opportunities it gives the developers. ISS gives the development team the best possible support so they can achieve their vision for the game, and at Paradox we want to do whatever we can to support the development team [to] reach their goals.”

Ali Hassoon, Producer, Paradox Interactive
Ali Hassoon, Producer, Paradox Interactive

“At Paradox, we support the choice of Unity as we have a very good working relationship with Unity.”

Ali Hassoon, Producer, Paradox Interactive
Keith O’Conor, Technical Director, Romero Games

“Having the DRM be an advocate on the inside is a huge benefit – they’re able to champion our game internally, make sure ISS resources are directed where they’re needed at all times, and be a point person for interfacing with directly so we can develop a mutually beneficial relationship.”

Keith O’Conor, Technical Director, Romero Games
Keith O’Conor, Technical Director, Romero Games

“[The benefit of ISS is] greatly reduced risk when it comes to the engine our game is built on. That means knowing that we have knowledgeable and dedicated support that can do whatever it takes to help us ship the game.” 

Keith O’Conor, Technical Director, Romero Games
