The Jigsaw Virtual Room: A first-of-its-kind VR ad

How Unity and Lionsgate made an unprecedented emotional connection with the audience

People didn’t just watch this ad – they stepped into it

Lionsgate は Unity と提携し、最新作映画『Jigsaw』の広告をバーチャルリアリティによる革新的手法で展開することにより、『Saw』シリーズの架空世界を現実感あふれる形でターゲット層にアピールしました。その結果、視聴者の興奮と心拍数を高め、エンゲージメントを劇的に高めることができました。

  • The experience

    The Jigsaw VR Ad: Once the user enters the virtual room ad, they are trapped and must solve a puzzle to escape

  • The goal

    Engage fans and new audiences with an emotional connection to the Saw franchise

  • Platforms

    Samsung の Internet for VR アプリと、Oculus Rift および Samsung Gear VR デバイスにインストールされた Nanite Fulcrum アプリ

  • Assets

    Standard brand assets and voice-over; Unity also created 3D models of real Jigsaw props.

Lionsgate wins hearts in its VR Room

After a seven-year gap in the Saw franchise, Lionsgate’s objective was twofold: reignite fans to get them to the box office and reach a new audience open to horror films. Enter the Jigsaw Virtual Room.

The results:

  • 275,000 unique users, compared to an average 1-2K downloads for similar content
  • 39K impressions (benchmark 5-10K)
  • 70% completion of trailer at the end of experience (benchmark: 12%)
  • Emotional Efficacy Study (Isobar’s Mindsight Technology) compared to watching the trailer in either VR or on a mobile phone
    • Elevated heart rate (+24%) (From emotional efficacy study)
    • Heightened galvanic skin response, or sweating (+44% peaks/minute)
    • Increased muscle activation (more than 3X) associated with smiling

When the audience becomes part of the story

Unity を使用して作成された VR 広告は、シリーズのファンをかつてなくドラマチックな方法で Jigsaw の世界へと引き込み、大きな感情的反応をもたらしました。Unity が Lionsgate と緊密に連携し、Jigsaw の虚構の世界に命を吹き込んだのです。Jigsaw バーチャルルームでは、映画で実際に使用された小道具が VR にレンダリングされ、Tobin Bell が演じる Jigsaw 本人のカスタムナレーションが使用されたほか、Saw シリーズ 8 作品の要素も取り入れられました。


Responsive storytelling gets a much stronger response

The efficacy study showed that the strong emotional responses occurred while the user was in the trap in the Virtual Room—regardless of whether or not they attempted to escape.

In contrast, the responses to the trailer in VR and the mobile trailer were almost the same.

In other words, it was not the medium of gaming or VR alone that caused the reaction—it was the concept of responsive storytelling, in which the user’s actions impact how the story progresses. The user’s physical response to the gamified ad experience has proven that the interactive portion has a stronger effect.

Powerful, far-reaching and repeatable

In order to make sure Lionsgate could scale the immersive ad, Unity bundled the VR experience with targeted mobile video. This resulted in a tailored VR experience that was repeatable, had mass-reach, and performed remarkably well. Trailer views across Unity had a viewability score and video completion rates exceeding benchmarks.

David Edwards, SVP of Digital Marketing at Lionsgate

“Combining the storytelling power of immersive content with the guaranteed reach of a media buy; we're thrilled to have worked with Unity on this integrated campaign, bringing Jigsaw into an engaging VR and mobile ad experience.”

David Edwards, SVP of Digital Marketing at Lionsgate

Want to hear more?

Learn more about Virtual Room ads, or if you have questions or are interested in advertising with Unity, we’re here to help.
