Devenez un formateur certifié Unity

Le programme de formateur certifié Unity récompense les leaders qui ont fait preuve d'excellence en termes de compétences et d'enseignement en lien avec Unity. Rejoignez-nous dès aujourd'hui et commencez à bénéficier d'avantages réservés uniquement à nos membres pour développer et atteindre vos objectifs professionnels.

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What is a Unity Certified Instructor?

Unity Certified Instructors (UCIs) are trainers who have a passion for teaching and have demonstrated expertise with Unity tools and features that we recognize and certify through our program.

Get exclusive benefits

Gain recognition

Validate your experience by becoming a recognized member of our expanded team of training leaders. Reinforce your Unity expertise by adding a UCI designation to your list of accreditations.

Generate influence

Help us improve our Professional Training offering by evaluating and providing input on our curriculum and processes. Contribute your ideas to help inform new courses, practice materials, and assessments.

Expand your network

Join an exclusive global community of experts. Collaborate with fellow instructors, developers, and industry experts to share knowledge, hone your teaching methods, and discuss emerging technologies.

Access perks

Get access to paid training opportunities and Unity resources for free, such as certification vouchers, professional licenses, and our on-demand training platform.

A diverse global team

With more than 60 UCIs, our network extends across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Our trainers are incredibly knowledgeable – having anywhere from two to 10 years of experience, and are well-versed in multiple real-time 3D fields across games, XR, AI, and industrial use cases.

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How do I become a UCI?

The Unity Certified Instructor Program recognizes individuals who have taken the lead in helping creators achieve success. The program accepts trainers who have demonstrated unparalleled proficiency with Unity as well as strong training and delivery capabilities. In order to be eligible, UCIs must have:


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Application Process

In order to be fully accepted into the program and receive the Unity Certified Instructor Certification, candidates must take our in-house training course and pass an evaluation where they teach a mock 20-minute class.

Once you complete the application and submit validation of your credentials, Unity will review your application for membership and contact you within two weeks.

Avoir un impact sur les créateurs Unity

UCI Ian Snyder

« Les professionnels du secteur ayant des connaissances approfondies sur Unity gagnent 20 000 USD de plus que leurs homologues qui n'en ont pas. »

UCI Ian Snyder
UCI Meehae Song

« Les compétences Unity font partie des plus recherchées dans le secteur informatique et présentent l'un des plus forts taux de croissance estimé à 35 % sur les deux prochaines années. »

UCI Meehae Song

Rejoignez la Unity Academic Alliance

Les établissements d'enseignement les plus avant-gardistes, innovants et expérimentés forment les professionnels de demain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a membership fee to become a UCI?

There is no membership fee or additional cost to get the Unity Certified Instructor Certification at this time. However, to be eligible to become a UCI, you must have a Unity Professional Certification (Artist or Programmer) or Unity Expert Certification, which retails for $249 USD.

What are the requirements to maintain my UCI status?

Membership is renewed on an annual basis so long as instructors meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain a current Professional-level (or Expert-level) Unity Certification 
  • Attend internal syncs with the Professional Training team
  • Participate in the UCI Community 
  • Contribute to Unity’s training initiatives:
    • Deliver internal training to Unity clients
    • Provide feedback on training content
    • Share training tips and best practices

These criteria are subject to change.

How long does a UCI membership last? How often do I have to renew?

Membership is renewed on an annual basis, as long as UCIs continue to meet the requirements of the program. Individuals may also be asked to meet more specific requirements to maintain membership status as our training curricula and programs evolve.

Can I pause my membership?

UCIs in good standing are able to temporarily pause their membership at any time. During this time, you will lose access to the program benefits. Membership pauses are effective until the end of the calendar year and can be reinstated so long as you continue to meet the requirements of the Unity Certified Instructor Certification. Note that you can only pause your membership once every three years.

Are there any additional perks or benefits to joining the program?

Beyond the recognition, influence, and networking opportunities that you’ll gain, becoming a UCI will also help with professional development. You’ll get:

  • Additional paid training opportunities 
  • Free Unity certification vouchers
  • Participation in exclusive internal Unity technical trainings
  • Subscription to our on demand library with hundreds of training courses
  • Access to the UCI community
How can I learn more about the program?

If you’d like to learn more about the program, please reach out.

Does the UCI program offer any diversity & inclusion incentives?

Unity is committed to hiring instructors from diverse backgrounds. To that end, we provide Unity exam vouchers for women and non-binary candidates (who meet all eligibility criteria except the Professional Certification) free-of-charge.

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