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Unity for Games
Game development for web
Leverage Unity’s web solutions to offer your players near-instant access to their favorite games, no matter where they want to play.
Happy Harvest
Mobile web platform support

Reach more players across the web with your mobile games by leveraging Unity’s fully featured engine to create rich cross-device experiences. Starting with Unity 6, you can gain direct access to gamers through web browsers on mobile, enabling them to play wherever they want without having to download new apps or register for third-party stores.

WebGPU for advanced graphics and rendering

Experiment with maximizing the visual fidelity of your web games with the latest WebGPU graphics API integration available in preview in Unity 2023.3. Through a strategic partnership with Google, robust graphics features of Unity’s real-time 3D platform are now fine-tuned for graphics-rich web games, enabling more efficient CPU usage and smoother frame rates. Use Compute Skinning, VFX Graph, and even more advanced GPU-driven rendering techniques currently in development to provide players immersive scenes featuring stunning details, without compromising on performance.

Meta Instant Games
A Meta partnership to bring Unity to the Instant Games ecosystem

Next year, game developers will be able to unlock gamers in Meta’s ecosystem with Unity’s Instant Games platform support. Through our newly announced partnership, Unity and Meta are able to leverage Unity’s latest mobile web optimizations to ensure speed and efficiency for Meta Instant Games. Plus, enjoy a streamlined publishing flow, reducing friction for both releasing and updating your games.

If you would like to work directly with Unity and Meta to gain early access to Meta Instant Games platform support, or would like to stay up to date about this exciting new runtime support, register your interest today.

Get started with web resources
Marching Adams
Early access to the new WebGPU backend

Starting with Unity 2023.3.0aYZ, the Unity Editor and Standalone Web Player provide experimental support for the new WebGPU graphics API. Learn how to enable WebGPU, along with various guidelines and limitations that should be taken into account.

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Unite 23 breakout session: Web platform support

In this session, learn about the latest advances in Unity’s web platform, from near-instant load times to expanded reach on mobile browsers.

How to guide: Profile and optimize a WebGL build

Unity’s WebGL build is a great way to distribute your game to a wide audience. During development, you should aim to keep geometry and textures to a modest size, reduce draw calls, and profile and test on a wide range of devices. This article provides tips on how to optimize your Unity WebGL projects.

Bring your game to life
Be anywhere gamers play – without compromise

Choose the world’s leading game platform plus an ecosystem of tools and services to take your game from concept to commercialization.