Game Server Hosting (Multiplay)
Обеспечьте производительность и гибкость вашей игровой инфраструктуры, независимо от того, какой игровой движок вы используете. Обеспечьте максимально оперативное и последовательное взаимодействие с игроками, контролируя при этом свои расходы.
The 2023 Unity Gaming Report is here. Get data to make informed decisions about your game.
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Используйте платформу, на которой за месяц проходит 77 миллионов игровых сессий.
Присоединяйтесь к 3 миллионам одновременных игроков
Сократите стоимость хостинга в расчете на одного игрока на 30-40 %.
Доступ к более чем 290 центрам обработки данных по всему миру
Что такое хостинг игровых серверов?

Обеспечьте постоянный опыт игроков

Get your game up and running in minutes with global networking designed for any capacity, so you can seamlessly scale from ten to millions of players. Focus on making your game the best it can be, with support from an experienced team of gaming specialists and an integrated matchmaker to accelerate development.

Производительность и стабильность при огромных масштабах

Производительность и стабильность при огромных масштабах

Launch with services trusted by the biggest multiplayer titles. Rely on our years of experience and the same proven infrastructure supporting today’s most popular multiplayer games including Apex Legends, Among Us, and Rogue Company.

Хостинг игрового сервера

Сократите общую стоимость эксплуатации вашей игры

Whatever game engine you use, leverage the experience of the Unity team to migrate your game to save on your hosting costs. Game Server Hosting is trusted by today’s biggest multiplayer titles to scale from tens to millions of players to keep them playing.

Простые рабочие процессы самообслуживания для быстрого ввода в эксплуатацию

Простые рабочие процессы самообслуживания для начала работы

Complete your setup in minutes and work with multiplayer experts to move to managed service when the time is right. Use SDKs to integrate your game server binary with Game Server Hosting (Multiplay), and upload your builds directly from your cloud object storage using CLI functionality.


Все ваши многопользовательские игры в одном месте

Unity Gaming Services provides proven solutions for all of the biggest challenges of running live multiplayer games. Bring players together with Unity Matchmaker, and integrate with Unity Analytics to test, evaluate, and optimize matchmaking rules and understand game performance and player behaviors.

Автоматизированное управление

Scale the number of servers in your fleet up and down automatically in response to player demand, ensuring you always have enough capacity available without wasting resources.

Гибридное масштабирование

A Unity SDK is available to enable integration with your Unity-built game and get you started quickly. Unreal SDK coming soon.

Интеграция SDK и CLI

Containers let you package your game server and all its dependencies as an image and upload it from your engine. Push it to the registry and Unity will do the rest.

Повышенная наблюдаемость

Our guided workflows will guide you through the setup process to get you up and running in the minimum amount of time possible.

Качество сервиса

Automatically locate the optimum region for match connectivity. Operating across the globe, Quality of Service (QoS) gives your players a stable connection wherever they are.

Встроенная система подбора соперников

Deliver a better player experience with rule-based matchmaking, supported by global networking infrastructure that delivers low latency and fast matches.

демонстрационная карта мегаполиса
Megacity Multiplayer

Learn more about building ambitious multiplayer games using ECS for Unity and Unity Gaming Services (UGS) with a third-person multiplayer action sample that supports 64+ players.

Освоение многопользовательской игры
Освоение многопользовательской игры

In this case study, find out how Respawn, supported by Multiplay, scaled Apex Legends from zero to 50 million players in under 24 days, peaking at over 2 million concurrent players.

Как настроить хостинг игрового сервера
Как создатели запускают и масштабируют многопользовательские игры с помощью Unity

Read how studios of all sizes, using any game engine, have scaled to match their game’s needs.

история успеха Respawn17
Масштабирование Apex Legends с Multiplay

Read how Respawn, supported by Multiplay, scaled Apex Legends from zero to 50 million players in under 24 days, peaking at over 2 million concurrent players.


Get started today with an $800 credit for Game Server Hosting (Multiplayer) and Matchmaker services.


Check out the guide to learn how to launch your game with Unity Game Server Hosting.

мультиплеерный вызов
Сделайте его многопользовательским

Are you looking for enhanced support, planning a large-scale multiplayer game or have complex requirements that you want to discuss?

Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы

Обязательно ли использовать Unity в качестве игрового движка?


Сколько будет стоить размещение моей игры?


Когда необходимо использовать выделенный игровой сервер?



1. Unity Game Server Hosting (Multiplay) hosts more than 77M game sessions between July 8th
and August 8th, 2023. As of Aug 22, 2023. Source: Internal Unity systems

2. As of Aug 22, 2023. Source: Internal Unity systems. We can provide the date
achieved if required.

3. Game Server Hosting (Multiplay) may reduce your hosting cost per player by between 30-40% depending on your game design, player numbers and distribution as of Q2 2023. As of Q2 2023. Source: TCO Estimator. Disclaimer: Dependent on your game design, player numbers and distribution.